Why To Read This Story Of My Life

As I wrote this book about my life, I thought who is gonna read a book about a normal everyday person. I am not a super star, not a doctor, not a scientist that found a cure for cancer or even the common cold. As I wrote, the more I saw that everyone is special in someway or in someone’s eyes. I had forgotten why I started writing this book. I wanted to find out why I was so depressed over my mother’s death and I needed something to ease my own pain. Through writing this book I have reached into my soul and come up with two things . . .
One of the reasons was, we had believed in each other for so long, knowing that when push comes to shove we had each other to relay on and that we could always depend on each other for whatever they needed . . .

Second was, why it was so devastating in my psyche when she died. We both had a very full life of the normal everyday type problems and more than our share of happiness but we also had our share of tragic coincidences of love, hate, moral issues of life . . .

Now as I am coming to the end of my story, I am sure that someone out there will need to read the why and who and what on my way to the end of the road of my life, so they can take heed on the wrongs that I did and not make the same mistakes I did and on the other hand enjoy some of the wonderful things I had happen to me even if I was not worthy of them . . .

There will be some who think I am lying and some who will disown me but that does not matter to me. What matters is that I grew from writing this book. I also wanted my two girls to be able to go to this book after I am gone to look back and know what happened in our life's. I wish I had my mother’s story written down so I could look back on it and answer some of the questions and secrets and history of our family that I don't remember because now I have no one alive to ask what was and when and who. So learn now from your parents what is their life's story before it is too late to carry onto the future of your world . . .